Friday, September 23, 2011

My progress so far.

So about  two months ago I weighed myself and saw a huge shocking 3 figured number on my scales. I was so depressed, how could I let myself get so big? The scales read 113kg. HOW? When did this happen an how could I be so oblivious to what was happening to my body and my health.

I weighed myself on Monday the 19th of September, the scales read a much better number, 103kg. So in 2 months I have lost 10 kgs! YAY! finally some success.

I am now focusing on improving my diet and mixing it with exercise. Its such a struggle to do it but I know I will!

SHORT TERM GOAL: By the end of October weigh 97 kg. Very acheivable! It'll be great to see a 2 digit number :)

Tam xx

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