Monday, September 26, 2011

Dear body...

So yesterday was a pretty awesome day! I got myself a digital camera yaayyy! It's for my holiday next yr, but might snap some photos here and there of my journey! It'll be nice to have a photo to compare to as I go!
And I also purchased Zumba on the Wii. Now that is fun and you can easily get carried away doing it for a while.
I did Zumba yesterday for about 2 hours and today I did it for an 1hr30min and I'm sure I'll do more later! :)

However, my body is pathetic. I weighed myself today (how depressing!) and the scales read that I GAINED 3KG! HOW?!?!?!? Either I read the scales wrong last week or my scales changed, I have no idea! But I have done well with my diet this week, I let myself go on one day where I ate some homemade goodies, but no way would that make me gain 3kg! Urgh, it's depressing! I would of had to binge on food this week to gain that, and I did the opposite! Blergh!

I am gonna work ultra hard this week to drop this stupid weight to 100kg! So, 6 kilos in one week. Ha fat chance, but I'll see what i can do!

Lotsa love Tam xx

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