Friday, October 14, 2011


So apologies for not having posted in ages.

I've been up and down, had my good and bad days. I havnt been exercising as much as i'd liek but still watching what I am eating. The weigh is still dropping off and finally can see some results. Feeling much better within myself and definitely getting a confidence boost!

Love it when other people notice.

turns out the scales where right last time.

Current weight: 104kg!

Not too much longer untill double digits!

:) yayy

Lotsa love, Tam xx

Monday, October 3, 2011



My mind likes to play tricks...

Tomorrow is weigh in! Boy, am I nervous. I have barely eaten this weekend, can't be to good! But my fella did treat me to an ice-cream (which i argued with him about before losing) argh! Oh well, worked extra hard to burn it off!
However, my mind feels so scattered and I don't know why! I don't know if its because of the guy I'm seeing or maybe because I'm nervous for tomorrow! I keep thinking about the future and happy I'll be being healthy! YAY

Healthy FTW. On another note, Geelong won the AFL grand final woop woop. Definitely celebrated, healthily!

Hope you are all well.

Lotsa love, Tam xx

Thursday, September 29, 2011

New purchase, more inspiration!

No pain, no gain

Over the past couple of days, I have done Zumba everyday for about 2 hours! My body is killer sore! Everything hurts. But I guess it's a good thing, at least I know I'm working out the muscles and I sweat like a mofo, goodbye kg! yayaa.

Food I'm hooked on:
Spinach, fetta (small amount), spring onion and a drizzle of good quality oil, DELISH!
Pumpkin (roasted), spinach, fetta, and toasted pine nuts! No dressing needed. AMAZING!

Natural yogurt with 5 strawberries diced and passionfruit! I could eat this forever!

Weigh in on Monday, eeek nervous, but I've done well so far this week! So I should see some results. BUT, I have my cousin's bday tonight, so time to face temptation, and WIN!

Lotsa love Tam xx.

P.S: After my weigh in, I'll post a photo. Ill try do it every week. A bit like a photo diary and it'll just make it easier to see the changes and definitely motivate me!