Thursday, September 29, 2011

No pain, no gain

Over the past couple of days, I have done Zumba everyday for about 2 hours! My body is killer sore! Everything hurts. But I guess it's a good thing, at least I know I'm working out the muscles and I sweat like a mofo, goodbye kg! yayaa.

Food I'm hooked on:
Spinach, fetta (small amount), spring onion and a drizzle of good quality oil, DELISH!
Pumpkin (roasted), spinach, fetta, and toasted pine nuts! No dressing needed. AMAZING!

Natural yogurt with 5 strawberries diced and passionfruit! I could eat this forever!

Weigh in on Monday, eeek nervous, but I've done well so far this week! So I should see some results. BUT, I have my cousin's bday tonight, so time to face temptation, and WIN!

Lotsa love Tam xx.

P.S: After my weigh in, I'll post a photo. Ill try do it every week. A bit like a photo diary and it'll just make it easier to see the changes and definitely motivate me!

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