Thursday, September 29, 2011

New purchase, more inspiration!

No pain, no gain

Over the past couple of days, I have done Zumba everyday for about 2 hours! My body is killer sore! Everything hurts. But I guess it's a good thing, at least I know I'm working out the muscles and I sweat like a mofo, goodbye kg! yayaa.

Food I'm hooked on:
Spinach, fetta (small amount), spring onion and a drizzle of good quality oil, DELISH!
Pumpkin (roasted), spinach, fetta, and toasted pine nuts! No dressing needed. AMAZING!

Natural yogurt with 5 strawberries diced and passionfruit! I could eat this forever!

Weigh in on Monday, eeek nervous, but I've done well so far this week! So I should see some results. BUT, I have my cousin's bday tonight, so time to face temptation, and WIN!

Lotsa love Tam xx.

P.S: After my weigh in, I'll post a photo. Ill try do it every week. A bit like a photo diary and it'll just make it easier to see the changes and definitely motivate me!

Monday, September 26, 2011

A simple rule

Dear body...

So yesterday was a pretty awesome day! I got myself a digital camera yaayyy! It's for my holiday next yr, but might snap some photos here and there of my journey! It'll be nice to have a photo to compare to as I go!
And I also purchased Zumba on the Wii. Now that is fun and you can easily get carried away doing it for a while.
I did Zumba yesterday for about 2 hours and today I did it for an 1hr30min and I'm sure I'll do more later! :)

However, my body is pathetic. I weighed myself today (how depressing!) and the scales read that I GAINED 3KG! HOW?!?!?!? Either I read the scales wrong last week or my scales changed, I have no idea! But I have done well with my diet this week, I let myself go on one day where I ate some homemade goodies, but no way would that make me gain 3kg! Urgh, it's depressing! I would of had to binge on food this week to gain that, and I did the opposite! Blergh!

I am gonna work ultra hard this week to drop this stupid weight to 100kg! So, 6 kilos in one week. Ha fat chance, but I'll see what i can do!

Lotsa love Tam xx

Friday, September 23, 2011

My goals.


By February, weigh 90kg

By September, weigh 60kg and be fit and healthy! GOAL WEIGH REACHED!


Current weight: 103kg

September: 100kg

October: Be at 97 kg

November: Weigh 93kg

December: Argh Christmas time, this will be a challenge. So my aim is to not gain any weight and to stay at a steady weight!

January 2012: Weigh 89kg.

February: Weigh 86kg

March: Weigh 81kg

April: Weigh 78kg

May: Weigh 75kg

June: Weigh 72kg

July: Weigh 70kg

August: Weigh 67kg

September: Weigh 65kg! MY 21ST! <Hopefully have a miracle and be down at 60kg!

October: Weigh 62kg

November: 60kg! GOAL WEIGHT REACHED!

I honestly think these are all acheivable!

Tam xx

My progress so far.

So about  two months ago I weighed myself and saw a huge shocking 3 figured number on my scales. I was so depressed, how could I let myself get so big? The scales read 113kg. HOW? When did this happen an how could I be so oblivious to what was happening to my body and my health.

I weighed myself on Monday the 19th of September, the scales read a much better number, 103kg. So in 2 months I have lost 10 kgs! YAY! finally some success.

I am now focusing on improving my diet and mixing it with exercise. Its such a struggle to do it but I know I will!

SHORT TERM GOAL: By the end of October weigh 97 kg. Very acheivable! It'll be great to see a 2 digit number :)

Tam xx

Thursday, September 15, 2011

We have to start somewhere...

To my blog friends of population zero at the moment...

This is my attempt to do something about myself. About always being larger than life (no pun intended). But to be honest, as a child I was always bullied for being a chubby kid, and since then things never changed! I've gone to drastic measures to change myself, such as the shake diet, low carb diet and even to the extreme of bulimia and anorexia-you wouldn't think so by looking at me. Truth is, none of these worked. I'm thankful that the anorexia and bulimia plan fell through! I have been at pretty low points in my life, points where I have swallowed nail polish remover in thinking it would make me sick that I'd loose weight, I wasn't joking about drastic measures!

Anyway, it's time to kick it old school and go nutritious and do exercise! Instead of being on a diet, I will call it living a healthy lifestyle. Diets are temporary, but when you talk about your lifestyle, you know its for good-well, I sure hope so!

So, join me in this fun filled, tiring but rewarding adventure. Where I plan on bringing my self esteem up from negative to positive and where I won't think every person I meet is judging my weight. To the point where I can look at myself in the mirror or any reflection, love what is looking back at me and smile! This is all possible, it will take plenty of time. I am giving myself until September next year to be looking fantastic, maybe not at my goal weight, but not far off it! I want to start my 21st with CONFIDENCE!

Digits and scary numbers will be coming soon....

It's time to face the music and make a change!

Lotsa love, Tam xox